Locker Rgolf-ballgolf-ballm ConsultingTM




“For a better locker room!”TM


Bruce’s TIP OF THE WEEK #83 of 156
Service: able to leave a message

YOU WILL UNDERSTAND the need for this service tip if the following has ever happened to you when calling the main number at a private golf or country club. 

THE RECEPTIONIST answers the phone and you ask to be transferred to the men’s or women’s locker room. The phone rings repeatedly and no one answers. Frustration increases because the phone system is such that you are not able to leave a message. Also, you are not automaticlaly tansferred back to the main switchboard so it is necessary for you to hang up and call again. However, this time you get the club’s standard recording but it doesn’t have a prompt for either the men’s or women’s locker room.

IF THE LOCKER ROOM STAFF is too busy to answer the phone within three rings, there should be a short recorded greeting by the locker room manager ending with “...please leave a message.”  If this is not possible because the inbox is full, the call should be directed back to the main line where it is either answered in person, extension prompt choices are given and message space is available if you choose to leave one.

PROPER SERVICE includes that the message be followed up in a timely manner. The main “message” here is how does the phone system function at the club where you work?

leave a message
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 Bruce’s TIP OF THE WEEK Collection