I WAS ASKED if I could suggest something to cover wet floors in the shower area during one of my first consultations. To be honest, I wasn’t sure but later followed up and suggested Dri-Dek floor covering after seeing it at a country club in Indiana. A General Manager at another club said they installed it over the concrete decking around the outdoor pool. While consulting in Pennsylvania I saw it cleverly used to cover a worn and discolored sauna floor.
BE ASSURED that I do not receive a commission on products I recommend. I think it is a conflict of interest for me. I’ve also learned it is very important to either personally try the product before recommending it or ask someone you can trust for their honest opinion.
AVAILABLE from the manufacturer, Duffy’s and Fore; I suggest going to the Dri-Dek website for detailed information and to have your questions answered. One other plus to consider; it is made in America!