1. Ask for ideas from your staff (“What do you need to make your job the best it can be for the members and guests and more efficient for you?”), respect their suggestions and implement if reasonable. Employees who respond positively with excitement are better workers than those who respond negatively; maybe thinking that changes will create more work for them, their suggestions won’t matter or they simply look at things in a negative way. Western Electric study my own personal survey 2. Provide a financial situation where they can make a good living with benefits. complimentary vs. included retirees as part timers college students/graduates
3. Non-tipping clubs and automatic gratuities can discourage service. “Can’t tip?! Says who?” Human nature can set in. Number of shoes before and after compared to the best tipper at the club. Forced to tip a predetermined amount. What if bad service? Equitable? Personally prefer the traditional way.
4. Continually overworking your employees (and yourself) can cause them to become irritable and begrudge members coming to their own club.
5. Award good work with monthly perks.
6. Explain in detail what is expected, train when necessary and have an understanding that those who don’t do a good job will cause themselves to be replaced. Signed agreement?
7. Management is the key factor. How difficult is it to get and keep good help? Why?